Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pod casts

This is about the first piece of technology that I have recognised in this program. Yay!! Podcasts are great for being able to catch radio programs when you miss the airing, or if you come in half-way through and discover something really interesting, and want to hear the start, or if there is something important that you want to keep the information on for future reference. I didn't have a television for a really long time (See, I am a really late starter to the technology revolution) and so radio was really important, but sometimes difficult to use. (have you ever tried to take notes from the radio so that you can remember the info later?) Podcasts overcome so many of these problems.

I can see a lot of potential for this technology in the library field. In the same way that the videos we looked at in week 6 allowed remote access to library events, this offers it in a seemingly more accessible format. Author talks, storytime, cultural activities could be offered this way, allowing access to people who aren't physically able to make it to the event.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

You've been busy these last couple of weeks, haven't you? You could be a classic case of "late adopter of technology becomes serious addict" :-)

Keep enjoying and discovering.
