Monday, May 19, 2008

More mashing...

I had fun looking at the different projects that Huge Big labs allowed me to create using my photos - some sounded and looked really interesting, and I will keep them in mind for use with my personal photos. (I just hoped that these kind of projects were the ones we were meant to make for this week, I couldn't find the word "mash-up" any where on the flickr page.)

This allows for some really interesting possibilities for library advertising, where we can use photos of the library etc in really unusual and professional lookng ways. Making posters using these techniques will certainly be more eye catching than the usual clip-art + publisher versions!

I am not sure I really understand the whole range of mash-ups though. I get that they are a hybrid of two web-based ideas which allow new and different uses, but I'm not sure I would recognise one if it wandered across my path. (perhaps I needed that guy who introduced the earlier weeks with his little videos to explain it to me.)

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